Saturday, July 07, 2007

Am watching the Live Earth concert while writing this Blog, the concerts are live in Australia, Japan, China, Germany, UK, US-DC, South Africa, US-NY and Brazil. Its a good way to make people aware of the challenges our environment is facing and show them the ways on how to reduce their carbon foot prints.
We don’t have to be a superhero to save this planet. A small contribution by each of us can make a big difference. To start with, take a small step, ask urself, if you really know the problem, if not, search on the keyword "Global Warming".
Next step would be to realize that there's something you can do, read , , then calculate your carbon footprints .
Now that you are fully aware of the problem and realize that ur the part of the problem, make a pledge and please be upto it.
Our responsibility does not end here, now we have a daunting task to make others aware of this problem and engage them in the program by making them realize that they are the part of problem too.